
Full professor

Inria Benagil team

Phone: +33 1 60 76 47 40
email: francois.trahay@telecom-sudparis.eu

Research interests

  • Performance analysis
  • High Performance Systems
  • Runtime systems for HPC
  • Multithreading over hierarchical, multicore machines

Selected publications

The complete list of my publications is available here.

  • PYTHIA: an oracle to guide runtime system decisions. Alexis Colin, François Trahay, Denis Conan. In IEEE Cluster 2022. [bib] [pdf]
  • Using differential execution analysis to identify thread interference. Mohamed Saïd Mosli Bouksi, François Trahay, et al. In IEEE TPDS. [bib] [pdf]
  • NumaMMA: Numa MeMory Analyzer. François Trahay, Manuel Selva, Lionel Morel, Kevin Marquet. In ICPP 2018. [bib] [pdf]
  • EZTrace: a generic framework for performance analysis. François Trahay, François Rue, Mathieu Faverge, Yutaka Ishikawa, Raymond Namyst and Jack Dongarra. In CCGrid 2011. [bib] [pdf]
  • A scalable and generic task scheduling system for communication libraries. François Trahay and Alexandre Denis. In Cluster 2009. [bib] [pdf]

Current PhD students

  • Catherine Guelque, co-advised with Valentin Honoré (2023-2026). Topic: performance analysis at exascale
  • Lucas Van Lanker, co-advised with Elisabeth Brunet, and Hugo Taboada (2024-2027). Topic: performance projection of GPU applications
  • Jules Risse, co-advised with Amina Guermouche (2024-2027). Topic: fine-grain energy consumption measurement
  • Martin Horth, co-advised with Olivier Levillain, Théo Combe, and Matthieu Touloucanon (2024-2027). Topic: fine-grain energy consumption measurement

Former PhD students
